«Blick»-Kolumnist wird Mister/Miss Street Parade küren

Auf der Tele-Züri-Bühne an der Street Parade am 12. August agieren 4 bekannte Gesichter: «Swiss Date»-Moderator Joël Gilgen, Tele-Bärn-Moderatorin und Ex-Miss-Schweiz Tanja Gutmann, Radio-24-Mann Pea Weber sowie Stil-Papst und Fashion-Fish-Moderator Clifford Lilley. Zusammen küren sie aus Tausenden aktiven Parade-Teilnehmern eine Miss Street Parade und ihr männliches Pendant. Der gebürtige Südafrikaner Lilley – seit Jahren in Zürich, «Blick»-Styling-Kolumnist, Modeberater der TV- und Medienpromis – sagt, worauf es beim Outfit ankommt.

PV.CH: What does the parade’s motto «move your mind» mean to you?
Lilley: Basically: Open your mind! Taking a look at things from a different angle, no boundaries, a carte blanche to do what you want. Explore things in a different way, if you want to be so daring.

What should a Mister or Miss Street Parade stand for?
Street style – cool, funky, not quite the norm, breaking away from convention, leaving the conservative behind, get down, get funky, let your hair down, show your stuff. It‘s all about sex.

And by what criteria will you judge this?
The visual, of course: outfit, combination – candidates should look like they can dance until dawn. Also they should express personality, have positive energy!

What are the «in and outs», the «do and don‘ts»?
Street parade is not carnival, it‘s not mardi gras. So don’t do glitter or blue lips! It‘s not disney land. Oh, I hate blue paint! Of course, anybody can come as they like; but as an institution, street parade asks for a certain style. Be a little sexy is a definite do!

How will Tanja Gutmann and you work together in this pageant?
So far, we’ve only had a brief meeting. It should work like this: Tanja is the «Moderatorin», she’ll interview the candidates, while I‘ll let my professional eye over  the candidates‘ bodies and comment on thongs and chains – in Swiss German. Together we’ll choose the «geilste» outfit.

And personally you’ll show up dressed in …
… no latex, no leather, mind you. Maybe something jungle, tribal, naval, military. I want to be comfortable and have my arms free.

Media work has made you quite a celebrity. Do you get approached in the street?
Occasionally I get asked by supermarket cashiers: «Han ich Sie nöd im Fernseh gseh?». And at parties, I get glanced at and feel under discussion. However, I‘m not Sven Epiney! I‘m just doing my job.

Die Street Parade 2006 wird die grösste Übertragung in der Geschichte von Tele Züri. Es setzt ein: 13 fixe Kameras, 1 Kamera-Heli, 3 Moderationsplätze, mehrere Moderatoren, VJs, Funkreporter. Gesendet wird von 15 bis 21 Uhr und im Verbund mit Partnersendern in der gesamten Deutschschweiz. (sut.)